War Commander Hacks
WC is a popular Facebook strategy game.
This is my first contribution and english its not my native language. So i am sorry if i wrote anything wrong over here.
First of all you will need "Cheat Engine" (www.cheatengine.org).
You will need know memory process you need open on cheat engine.
For firefox just look for process named "plugin_container" or something like this.
For Chrome, you will need access address chrome://memory-redirect/ and look for process named "Pepper Plugin Shockwave Flash" save it PID number.
Take this PID number and convert to hex (you can use windows calculator for this). Look for chrome process with this hex code.
-> Fast Unit Repair and Build (at low cost)
Ok, now go to WC, open the factory by exemple and look for some unit you want to change... let me takes Elite Hellfires for sample.
In my case it costs 579.360 metal and 772.320 oil to make.
First convert metal value to hex.
579.360 dec to 8D720 hex.
Separate the hex code from right to left like this (if the last number come single match you should add zero on it)
8D720 => 8 D7 20 => 08 D7 20
Now reverse the code:
08 D7 20 => 20 D7 08
Save that value: 20 D7 08
Do the same with oil:
dec to hex:
772.320 => BC8E0
Separete Blocks and reverse:
BC8E0 => B C8 E0 => 0B C8 E0 => E0 C8 0B
Value: E0 C8 0B
Now you need complete (with zero at the end) this value until he gets 4 hex codes (xx xx xx xx)
Some exemples: 64 3B (2hex codes) => 64 3B 00 00 (4 hex codes)
Metal Exemple: 20 D7 08 (3hex) => 20 D7 08 00 (4hex)
Oil Exemple: E0 C8 0B (3hex) => E0 C8 0B 00 (4hex)
Now merge both codes with metal first:
20 D7 08 00 + "E0 C8 0B 00" = "20 D7 08 00 E0 C8 0B 00"
Now you have the first string to search for "20 D7 08 00 E0 C8 0B 00".
Select Array of Bytes in cheat engine and search for this value almost always it will give to you 2 or 4
Add all values to your list change the first one a little bit (like this value "64 00 00 00 E0 C8 0B 00" it will change the metal costs to 100 only) and check if the value was changed in factory if not procced to next value until you got the correct address dont forget to change wrong values back to original value ("20 D7 08 00 E0 C8 0B 00").
Now you have the correct address you should right click and "Browse this memory region" in that region you should see the current value ("20 D7 08 00 E0 C8 0B 00" if you changed it back or "64 00 00 00 E0 C8 0B 00" if you dont changed back).
Those values correspond to:
Metal in 4 hex codes + Oil in 4 Hex codes followed by the build time in 4 hex codes.
In my exemple: I have "20 D7 08 00 E0 C8 0B 00 60 54 00 00" where "60 54 00 00" its the build time value.
you can change it all to "64 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 03 00 00 00" it will make metal and oil build cost 100 resources each and time you will get about 3 seconds dont try use lower timer value or it may crash the flash plugin.
Now you have Fast Build and Fast Repair for that unit.
For fast platoon repair you should do this for each unit type you have in that platoon.
It works at airport too.
-> Fast Resource:
For Fast resource you can locate some unit code like this exemple.
Build 1 unit with 100 resources each (dont change the build time).
Change the metal and oil value to "80 F0 FA 02" (50.000.000 in hex).
Cancel the unit build it will give you back your 50.000.000 each that you havent spend for
-> Instant unlock/upgrade units/turrets in techcenter/lab/etc.
For exemple lets unlock Rifleman 2 stars.
He costs 8500 metal 7700 oil and takes 15min to complete.
Lets convert 8500 metal to hex/separete/reverse and get in shape of 4 hex codes completing with zeros if needed.
dec => hex => separete => reverse => shape in 4hex codes
8500 => 2134 => 21 34 => 34 21 => 34 21 00 00
Same for oil:
dec => hex => separete => reverse => shape in 4hex codes
7700 => 1E14 => 1E 14 => 14 1E => 14 1E 00 00
Merge both codes with metal first followed by oil
"34 21 00 00" + "14 1E 00 00" = "34 21 00 00 14 1E 00 00"
With Cheat Engine search for array of bytes called "34 21 00 00 14 1E 00 00".
Like the first exemple it almost allways will show 2 or 4 results in C.E add all to your list.
And start changing the first address to similar value like "64 00 00 00 14 1E 00 00" changing metal to 100.
Get back to WC and check if metal value of unit upgrade changed (dont forget to close the window and open it again because this value will not auto refresh on wc)
if it was changed you have found the correct address else just keep changing until you found the correct address change wrong address values back to original value ("34 21 00 00 14 1E 00 00").
Now you have the correct value just right click the address and "Browser this memory region"
You will have the value like this:
"34 21 00 00 14 1E 00 00 ..... 84 03 00 00"
|. . . . . . . . . . . |. . . . . . . . . |. . . |____ Here comes with unlock/upgrade time value
|. . . . . . . . . . . |. . . . . . . . . |____ others 5 values with 4 Hex Code(20Hex codes in total)
|. . . . . . . . . . . |____4 Hex codes for Oil Value
|___4 Hex codes for Metal Value
You can change the time to: "78 00 00 00" (2minutes in hex)
Go back to WC start the upgrade and click in finish upgrade. Remember dont let the time ( 2 mins ) end by itself. You need click finish
-> Instant Set Defense Tower upgrades.
Go to WC Click turret /Set Turret Chose the turrent you want to set.
Save those metal and oil values. Convert it like the first exemple (convert to hex/separate/reverse/shape in 4 hex codes/merge both codes)
This time the build timer value will the be the next 4hex block
Like this:
|. . . . . . . . . . . |. . . . . . . . . . . |__ Time Value in 4 Hex code
|. . . . . . . . . . . |__ OIL Value in 4 Hex Code
|__ Metal Value in 4 Hex Code
Convert the time to "78 00 00 00" (2mins)
Start it and hit finish now. Remember dont let the time ( 2 mins ) end by itself.
-> Incresse Resources Capacity
With Cheat Engine, search for this big Array of Bytes:
"a8 61 00 00 50 c3 00 00 a0 86 01 00 40 0d 03 00 80 1a 06 00 00 35 0C 00 00 6a 18 00 c0 c6 2d 00 80 8d 5b 00 40 54 89 00"
Add to your list and replace all with:
"80 4A 5D 05 80 4A 5D 05 80 4A 5D 05 80 4A 5D 05 80 4A 5D 05 80 4A 5D 05 80 4A 5D 05 80 4A 5D 05 80 4A 5D 05 80 4A 5D 05"
This will get you a lot of resource capacity for any storage level.
Simple like that
Upcomming WC Hacks share (all working from the last fix):
Freeze attack timers.
Deploy 6 Platoons in a single attack.
Overload defense capacity.
Overload air attack capacity.
Unlock Especial Units (kondor, elite units, etc)
Instant Building upgrades.
Some hacks take little time to explain in a post and i will release then i get some time to write it.